11 Ekim 2011 Salı

Sage CEO's Time

Humanity is really on the verge of a completely different world...

The old world and the new one has already separated from each other and these days are the final days of this seperation...

There were certain rules to become a sage in the past.

Away from worldly benefits , fun, enjoyment and threat the desires ,

Living away from people, on the mountains or in the caves,

Not to value any material things or even not to have any material assets,

Keep away from any position which can hold any power or title...

I remember a story. Try to convey the message as far as I can.

A sage was called to visit a great king. The king asked the sage to teach him wisdom. The sage asked him to become the king for sometimes. Than the great king left his position&kingdom and the sage became king instead. Many years passed. One day sage king asked the ex king so that they should go to the farest border of his land. They came next to the border. Sage king passed the border but ex king could not pass the border. Because he could loose all his rights as a king . Simply he could not be the king on the other side. Than sage king gave all his royal clothes and the crown to the ex king. He said “ As you can see I am more free than you and I do not hold crown or any other things. This is the wisdom!" ...

As a summary we do not need to sell our Ferrari’s to receive wisdom and become a sage!

To become wise person whom owns Ferrari is the art of living.

Whom we are in fact has nothing to do with what we own in life.

As well as we live in a ocean view villa, white open deck Porshe, great boat , travel the world, have most beatiful food and cloths , having fun , we can become a wise person and/or a sage. Our inner being deserves all the best things in the world...

I beleive the way our minds confused the concepts of absence and nothingness.

“ It is not the outher shape of a pot is holding the pot up, it is the nothingness (emptyness , hollowness) inside of the pot , as like the human can stand up with the consicious of nothingness not with the self opinion/impression” said our beloved Rumi.

When a person touches the “nothingness” and/or “empthyness” within himself than a vacuum is created. The universe always fill the empty areas. This vacuum extract the things outside towards itself...

When a being who has positive feelings and thoughts and is in love & light touched the nothingness with in himself can extract all the goodness , beauty and abundance from the universe.

There is a symbol of Krishna’s flut in Hinduism. When the flut is empty than it can really create a beatiful sound.

In another word, God or universe can create beatiful creation when there is nothingness within us. By this way our higher self, soul can establish itself / landed itself on the earth...We would realized ourself...

So how can we reach this nothingness? According to me we are lightful beings when we were born. Just like a ball full of light...

Than fears, attachments, emotional traumas, thoughts and beliefs are not in love&light, restrictions, must to do / have to do games start to cover this lightfull ball like shells...Over and over. The light of the being which reflects outside becomes less...

Nevertheless the self and the inner light is always there...When all these shells are pilled off , the being started to shine again. When we free ourself from this “inner fillings” which we call it “emotional fredoom” , a great nothingness started to exist.

When we intend / aim to fill this nothingness with the love & light , the love & light from our inner self/higher self or soul can fill this emptyness.

Nothingness is about our being to be in completely in love & light.

Nothingness belongs to abundance conscious. Absence belongs to shortage conscious.

There is everyhing in nothingness but there is nothing in absence.

Another issue is about “judgement”...

When we judge someone we close our being to that person. We built a wall between ourself and that person by the judgement. Our self-being can not reach that person and our being with its love and light can not cause an inspiration in the other person. If we accept the other person as he/she is and love the person unconditionally than our being can be opened to other person with love. If the other person is open to change and transformation than the higher vibrating consicious can lift the other one.

I belive our beloved Rumi has touched the souls of beings in this way. To accept everything and everyone as it is an love unconditionally...

He was a great being so that he was able to join his being with the ocean...Ocean of love...And who ever goes to his presence with open heart, he still accepts and loves unconditionally that being so that he helps out the visitor joins to the ocean...He made himself ONE with the ocean and he infact became ocean...

Now we come to sage CEO’s issue...

Transformation and evoluation are happening even in corporational level as well as personal level. Eventhough poer of desire and wishe for transformation & evolution of corporations can create a great area for journey of the human evolution. A new era...

Sage CEO’s who were able to touched the nothingness within themselves, joined their being to the ocean , opened their being with love to his/her employees have great roles for the evoluion of humanity.

Imagine about multinational corporations which employs couple of thousands people. And those corporations have sage CEO’s...

I want you to imagine if Rumi or Budha would be a CEO of a corporation employing thousands of people in globe.

Can you imagine? I can imagine...Would it not be so great! Why not!

A sage CEO...

He / She is such a powerful light so he effects his employees conscious just being in their living area. He/She only inspires with his/her being. He / She is a visioner and a creator...He / She lives on the earth to realize / fulfill / manifest the human potential in a most glorious way...And he/she surely realizes this mission...He / She creates difference in peoplelifes whom live near by his/her being only. He /She respects humanity and nature and his/her most important value is the sustainability of life. He / she designs his/her products and servising rules orginated
from love not from fear. He / She is the leader supporting ONENESS and INTEGRITY with his/her being...

He / She is the key to open the new world.

You know the saying of "Life is not about finding yourself . Life is about creating yourself”...

So time for sage CEO’s whom “created” himself/herself has arrived...The need of world and humanity is this now...

These days are so close...Closer than tomorrow...

I got the inspiration for this writing from Timur Tiryaki's book named "Shall I become Buddha or CEO ?” . I will soon buy the book too...

With love

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